Saturday, August 21, 2010


starring akanishi jin

after rewatchin this
I somewhat understand this more

it is slightly confusing
My friend kept asking me what the focus of the movie was

I would say it was on the character Asako
and her relationship with natsu

This movie does require some thought to piece things together

the acting is very good
it leaves the feeling of being there

The feeling of this movie could change very quickly preventing it from becoming too deep
it was set up slightly odd but it mostly worked and there were points that could have been explained just a fraction more.

hmmm maybe a 4/5 for this one??

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I love you, man

This movie..... what to say

It was interesting to finally see a movie where Paul Rudd was the lead
it gave his acting another dimension

It was a little cliche at times but it did surprise you with some of the routes it took
Some of the scenes were very good
it could have developed some of the friend relationships a little moore

it had some funny moments
but I wouldnt have cast Jason Segel as sydney fife

This movie is worth watching


Monday, August 16, 2010

In Bruges

This one is a little late in coming

This movie was definately a shock
the fact I liked it an even bigger one

I love the sarcastic humour used by the main character
and the gruesome shots were well placed

This is another movie that induced thought
it left you to make you're own decision about the ending

and although I generally assume a happy ending
this time I didnt

Good acting from the 4 main actors
especially since 3 of them have been in harry potter its good to see them in a decent adult role

For an action this movie had a genuinely engaging story line and was not just about shooting guns and running

5/5 for this one


I liked this movie
considering the hype and the tentativeness that I approached this movie with
I genuinely liked it

It required some thought to understand what was going on
I love it when movies do this because it actively engages you

Even though I'm not a Leonardo Dicaprio fan
he did well in this movie
all the actors did
I was pleased with Ken Watanabe too.

This movie is definately one I want to watch again in order to piece it out some more
5/5 stars for this one

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The boy in the striped pyjamas

A movie set during world war II

the father of the family was played by David Thewlis
he portrayed the uptightness of his character well

This movie explored the theme of the consequences of keeping secrets
the fathers son is not told about concentration camps and led to believe its a farm and has many exciting things to do

This theme leads to each event within the movie

I found this movie to be well thought out and well presented

Sunday, May 23, 2010


An anime set in Neo tokyo- the remnants of Tokyo after it was destroyed and the occurance of world war 3

It is rather violent
definately for adults
The graphics were good

This movie was hard to follow at times
and I felt the ending was unclear and could have been explained slightly better
I am not used to watching violent movies so I found the violence particularly graphic

Despite this the plot was well thought out and it was generally engaging


Dan in Real Life

A story about a man who has lost his wife and goes on holiday with his extended family

I feel like this movie did not explain some aspects as well as it should have
It would show a hint of something but then never refer to it again
such as how his family is isolating him, the reason is never explained, and their home life is shown only once

It showed the character Dan ban his children from doing certain activites but in reality breaks all these rules himself

The ending was rather abrupt

but it was rather amusing at times

I rate it 3/5